Finding beauty in imperfection: 'wabi-sabi' - the hottest design trend of 2018
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StartFragmentThe good news is you can stop ironing your sheets in 2018. The hottest design trend is all about simplicity, modesty, and celebrating the imperfect.EndFragment
I have good news for the more laid-back housekeeper. This year's hottest design trend is 'wabi-sabi' - a Japanese philosophy that celebrates the imperfect.
Loosely translated, 'wabi' means simple and 'sabi' means the beauty of age and wear.
Leonard Koren, in his book 'Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers', described wabi-sabi is the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.
The philosophy arises from the Zen Buddhist tea ceremony, where irregularly shaped, even cracked and unevenly glazed bowls are celebrated.
Some of us, this writer included, may recognise wabi-sabi element in our home already.
The collection of knick knacks the children collect at the park and proudly display on the bookcase. The door handle more shiny on one side where hands have turned it day after day. The chipped enamel plates handed down to you by your grandmother.
So how can we nurture a sense of wabi-sabi in our homes? After all, it's as much a philosophy and way of life as it is an aesthetic.
Sometimes creating wabi-sabi in your home can mean finding a new appreciation for the things you already have. But here are some key items to look for.
Handmade ceramics
Natural materials
Aged and weathered materials
Crumpled beds. Don't bother ironing the sheets, if you ever did.