Home sales stabilising, with Adelaide market trending above decade average
Although sales volumes are lower on an annual basis, monthly sales volumes have risen from recent lows, according to CoreLogic research...

New Home Sales Take An Upturn
New home sales recovered from lacklustre results over the first four months of 2019 in May, hitting their highest monthly level in over a...

Highest new home sales in over a year
A new survey of home builders across Australia has “confirmed expectations” that the decline in building activity is levelling off, in...

How Investor Mindset Moves The Markets
If they’re armed with all the research available in today’s information age, why can’t economists agree on where are our property markets...

How to save tax when selling your investment property
Capital gains tax (CGT) is one of those ubiquitous taxes that will almost always crop up when you sell something, unless the sale is in...